
Terms and Conditions

Workshop registration is binding and by the registration you are liable to pay for the courses you register to. Your spot will be secured when payment is received Students under 18 must have their parent’s approval.

Bank: Nordea
Name: David Kay
Bank account
Clearing: 3095 Account number: 0098698

International payment
Bank : Nordea
Name: David Kay
Clearing: 3095 Account number: 0098698
IBAN: SE5230000000030950098698

 Make sure when using international payments that the full amount is received – i.e excluding bank fees! For cheap and fast transfer we recommend www.transferwise.com
If you choose to pay at the door, Swish, card and cash is accepted.

 Cancellation/ Right to withdraw
You have a right to withdraw 14 days from when the agreement was entered as stated by law (2005:59) about agreements made on distance and agreements out of business places. To use your right to withdraw, the cancellation is done as described above.

Cancellation of a class must be done in writing and a payment of 20% of the course fee paid to ZOUK Malmö. Nordea bank account: David Kay, account no: 3095-0098698.

It is the student’s responsibility to cancel the class in time, notice that you are not cancelled from a class until you have written to ZOUK Malmö at [email protected], payed the administration fee and gotten a verification that we received your cancellation. 

 Cancellation due to illness.
If you cannot participate to classes due to illness (medical certificate is needed) ZOUK Malmö will refund the unused part of the course minus an administration fee of 20% of the course fee.

 Canceled classes
ZOUK Malmö reserve the right to cancel a class or workshop should there be insufficient enrollments. In case of illness/force major/unavailability of the teacher, a qualified substitute teacher might hold the workshop, or the workshop fee will be refunded, but no additional damages are paid to participants.

Dance classes can involve risk of personal injury, which is why we recommend that you have a valid insurance, since you are NOT covered by any insurance from ZOUK Malmö. While ZOUK Malmö takes all reasonable care in the conduct of its classes, it accepts no responsibility or cost for injury or loss caused during classes or whilst participants are at or near the dance class location. When you attend any of ZOUK Malmö’s classes you waive the release of all claims whether for personal injury, property damage, losses and/or death that may arise from participation in/on a fore mentioned event. All students must accept and undertake the risks, agree to use my best judgement and abide by all safety instructions and recommendations, whether oral or written.

You should advise the instructor if you have any pre-medical conditions or limitations before the start of a class/workshop. If you have a pre-existing medical condition please discuss your intention to join a class/workshop with your doctor BEFORE attending class/workshop. You are reminded that you attend at your own risk.